Follow Me to Star Wars Celebration 3
The complete web documentary of my trip to C3. 


This site will be updated as frequently as possible at the con!

Before we could even leave for the journey, we had to finish and pack all of the costumes.  Between Heather's new Fleet Admiral, the Rebel Pilot project and the repairs of our other costumes, this was a VERY long process. I started my Rebel Pilot costume with a group of friends in March and we've been steadily working on it every week since. The last week before the convention, we've been working on the costumes every night at Badger's house over in West Seattle. Heather started sewing her Fleet Admiral uniform in March as well.

Before the Con: The Costume Crafting pics  

Tuesday before it was time for me to get on a plane, I went back to Badger's house once again to finish my helmet and help others to finish theirs in whatever way I could.  Jason's motto: "WORK!" paid off, and at 11:30pm I had a finished helmet. It looked like everyone else was well on their way to being done when I left too.  Below are the pics of a few completed helmets and some more in progress. 

Updated 4/20/05  More crafting pics!

I got home at about 11:45pm and finished packing by about 2am. I slept for 3 hours (almost 4) and hustled to the airport at 6:45am. Northwest decided that my stupid bin was 80 bucks to check (something I was furious about) but I had no choice, so I spent that fortune to check it.  Everything arrived (seemingly) in one piece and we were off to the Courtyard Marriott.  I then went to the con to pick up schedules, a key from Lisa to get my armor that was transported via the Darkside Ride, and then headed to the 501st Meeting.   It was a long day, but tomorrow....will be longer!

Day 1 Wednesday Travel and arrival in Indianapolis Updated 4/21/05 12:23AM Indianapolis Time

I woke up at about 5:45 this morning Indy Time. I just couldn't sleep, I was too excited. So I decided to go for a jog and check out the line. Took a few pictures. Now it's off to breakfast, then we're going to troop the opening parade!  Hopefully I'll have more pics up tonight.

Second update:  We participated in the 501st parade from about 10am until the con opened. It wasn't so much of a parade as it was a march on the capitol building to get our picture taken by tons of people. Then we hit the con, bought the exclusives I was most concerned about, roamed around until the armor became much too toasty and took off to change and get lunch.  That's the story as of 3:07pm Indy Time.

Day 2 Thursday First day of the Con! Last updated 4/21/05 3:06pm Indianapolis Time (more updates to come including the opening ceremonies!)

Day 2 (Thursday) Continued....  (Last update 4/24/05 , put the rest of Thursdays pics up during a break. More to come!)


Update 4/23/05  Since Thursday morning at 5am, I have slept about 4 hours and volunteered over 18 of them at the con.  I haven't eaten since 3pm yesterday when I had a subway sandwich (unless you count the piece of pepperoni I stole from Heather's pizza in the line for the Fan Film Awards last night.  We're about to go get dinner, then do the Masquerade...and then I'll try and update the bulk of this site at some point soon!


Day 3 Friday, The second day of the con ( Rebel Pilots,  The Costume Convention,  volunteering in the C3 store, the Fan Film awards, some trooping and much much more Updated 4/25/05 1:13am Indy Time)

Day 4 Saturday, Day 3 of the con (George Lucas shows, Line control volunteering Updated 4/25/05 2:46am Indy Time..but isn't working. More updates soon. I need sleep.)  Updated again on 4/25/05 7:46am.  It all works now. See what 5 hours of sleep will do?


Day 5 Sunday  (501st group photo! Many more coming soon Updated at 4/25,05 2:48am, right before bedtime)  Finally finished the last of the pics at 9:15am Indy Time